Genealogy Project

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Montgomery - Shepard
Genealogy Project

Welcome!  This site represents the ongoing research into our primary and collateral family lines.

The links to the left take you to the various modules of this website.   The research documents themselves are accessed through a series of index pages for each module. 

Specific information about individual persons are accessed through the Surname Module.  The Surname module has a primary index of surnames and secondary indices for each surname in the project.  From the secondary indices you will find links to documents representing specific individuals.

Geographic areas related to our research are indexed through the Localities Module.  The documents contained in this module are often web reproductions of eye witness accounts in the public domain documents from a specific time period.  This module also contains information about current localities such as cemeteries.

The Subjects Module, similar to the Localities Module, contains documents topically arranged of miscellaneous subject matter related to our genealogy project.  The subjects may or may not specifically reference individuals within the database, but are helpful to the overall research.

We provide a basic Search Engine to help you find information you may be looking for on our site.

In addition to the research documents accessible through the various modules, we also provide Discussion Forums which allow anyone who wishes to make comments or provide information about anything related to our research.  We ask that your discussions be related in some way to our research.  We reserve the right to delete any inappropriate comments or discussions not related to our project.  That said, please feel free to join in.

The usual disclaimer applies:  this is a work in progress. . . a work that will likely never reach completion. . .

. . .but that's the point, right?


What's New:

bulletRedesigned Website:
bulletNew interface
bulletDiscussion forums
bulletSearch our site
bulletGuest book
bulletNew pages related to Pontotoc, MS.

Coming Soon / In Process:

Since the entire site is currently undergoing an overhaul and update, document and index pages will continue to be added on a regular basis (usually several each day) until the update is complete.  Check back often.

Please sign our Guest Book

Some pictures



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